Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Hard Day's Night

It's been a hard day's night. I'm exhausted, worn out, tired, restless... pick one. It's all the same. I went to school at around 07:00 AM and I got home at around 10:20 PM all because of a technical and dress rehearsal for our Production subject. It's been fun I admit but I can never forget that one scene I just went through twice. Twice because I have to take the spot of my classmate since he got sick. I'm not blaming him because first, it's a health matter and second, it's sort of a way to pay him back.

This particular scene is what I can't afford to narrate here but here's what I can only say. I'm stripped off spiritually. :)) I really can't believe that I actually did it. Until now, my mind is still processing what the f*** I just did. I wish I can sleep it all away instead.

Also, hearing a song featured in that scene now made me tremble because I can vividly remember the whole scene. Everyone's laughing and I don't want to hear what others are saying. It's the first time I did such a thing and I'm uncomfortable with it. Who does? I'm sure those people who are inclined in that field are willing to do what I just did a few hours ago.

I now need to recollect myself and reflect on all the things that happened this day and I still have to finish writing the sequence treatment for my RTV subject. We still have a long way to go. Yay me. You know, if I could just change one of my groupmates to another group member, then so be it. I will not hesitate. It's his loss. He did not contribue something. I already told him the things he needed to do and I waited but it seems that I waited for nothing from that son of a gun. Gah.

I also want to return some of my habits before. I'm sort of missing my old life and I want to go back somehow. I think I mentioned this in one of my posts before. In case if no one remembered, I want to return to being more serious in my studies and I have a lot of focus on reading and understanding. I really feel like I was smart and intellectual back then. Right now, I think like I just turned into a slacker and I'm uncomfortable with it.

Here's a little something to make me pass through the night.

(Courtesy of YouTube and EMI Records)

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