Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Change

Title sounds familiar? It's because it came from one of the songs of Evanescence from their third, self-titled album and I'm loving it. I bought it two Sundays ago and I can't stop listening to it. "The Change" became one of my favorite songs off the album. But I'm not here to talk about the song. So let's get this show rolling...

The second semester of my senior life will start tomorrow. Another semester means another 5 months of pressure and suffering in academics with some laughs and mishaps along the way. Like I said in my post before, there will be changes.

Some of my previous mates transferred to another block, starting their semester anew with their freedom. I just got emancipated this previous semester. I acquired some new perspectives and I met different personalities that I never expect to mingle harmoniously. I also never expected to enjoy their company actually. The atmosphere when I'm with them is pretty light and I actually look forward to coming to school because of them.

Anyway, one of the changes I'll be trying to implement myself is to try to get out of my comfort zone, meaning I'll try to be as approachable as I can because this semester, I'm on my own now and I have to learn how to deal with other people properly and without getting the awkwardness. I'll need it when I finally get out of college.

The second change I'll try is to loosen up a little. People see me as someone who is serious all the time and people find me inapproachable because of that. Though I need to learn how to loosen up. Gah.

I'll also be more competitive and active like what I said to another previous post but I will not try to harm anyone and I will not become desperate because I want a clean and fair competition. What I mean in the competition is the academics.

It will be hard to adjust myself into what I'm planning to change but I'll really need it as I face the real world after college life ends.


  1. C'mon, dude. You're not always that serious! :) and speaking of competition, I think you'd love to hear another shit competition that happened last October. Well, good thing you're not under the same class, nor, in the same block. Happy for us. Yey for freedom!

  2. Will you come to school tomorrow? I'd love to hear the shitty competition. Please? I'll also tell you some advice on something. Hehe.
