Monday, October 31, 2011


It's the 31st of October right now and we all know what is going on today. It's Halloween. Yay. It's the day where fear is finally celebrated and ghouls and other supernatural entities are glorified to some extent... unless you're in a cult that worships something that can threaten mankind to its extinction. (Forgive my sick imagination.)

It only comes once a year just like Christmas but unlike Christmas, people here in my place are not preparing for it so I can't really feel the presence of Halloween. With Christmas, people are already excited as September approaches and Christmas is still three damn months away! I can already hear Christmas songs playing in malls and on the radio as early as September. Ugh. "Not now" is the sentence that pops in my head when I hear Christmas songs that early. I know. I'm being a killjoy but please. Not now.

It sucks that Halloween is never felt here. October 31st is just like Christmas Eve here where everyone has no work or classes but there's nothing much going on at night in most areas except when you're living in some high-standard village or if your place even cares to celebrate such holiday.

Instead, we celebrate a holiday called All Saints' Day on November 1st. It's part of our tradition to go to cemeteries on that day and spend the whole day honoring the memories of those who once lived. Candles and flowers on the dead's tombstone. Families on their tents eating and chatting. That is what the cemeteries look like every 1st of November. Most people enjoy it, I guess. But for me, it's getting a little boring lately. It's been the same people I've been seeing since I was young. There's nothing in hell that I can do except to wait for the night to come to make my companions pack up and call it a day.

When we get home, we light a candle outside our home once again in honor of the dead and that's about it. That's how we celebrate Halloween here. It's a little lame in my opinion but that's the way it is here.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


A little disclaimer for me and my friends:

I promise I will not become too competitive as it basically ruins something along the way. Based on several eyewitnesses (including myself), too much competition "kills". It brings up a lot of shit as we go on. It's like I'm in a reality show where chaos roots from the circumstances people will think is trivial.

I'll be competitive alright but I will really make sure that I won't become something uncontrollable. I'll just be more active.

Thank you. Peace out.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Kick

I got a little addicted with Hell's Kitchen lately. I usually hate reality shows for their drama but the drama in the show attracted me somehow. Moving on...

While I was watching its 10th episode, something kicked inside my head. It gave me some kind of realization that I needed for a while. From watching the show with all the pressure and drama that somehow made me think of the world I'm about to step into after college, I realized that I need to be more competitive.

I'm still uncertain of where to go after college but I want my path to be concrete once I made my choice. I need to move my arse and be more competitive and at least, be more active. I need to hone my skills and prepare myself for the real world. The real world is not as easy as college life or high school life (even if high school life is an epitome of HELL). The real world has more rejections to offer than the social life in high school. Real world has more issues we have to think about like helping our families and making clients happy unlike in high school or in college where we have to worry about what to do with our grades. Oh! And in real life, the currency is money. Cold, hard money that makes the world go round. Almost. Comparing to our times of education where grades makes our world go round.  

One exciting thing in getting a job is earning your own money. There's no need to rely on parents to give us some allowance to go somewhere. Earning money is somehow a symbol of independence. If you earn your own money, to me, it means you're in charge of it. You worked your butt for it and now, you must decide how to split your fruit of labor. Of course, if you have a good heart, you would give some to your parents for additional help. What remains is now up to you on what to do with it.

Now, if I will perform better this semester, I can pave my way through a good job. The salary is sort of a bonus, I guess, especially if the job I will nail is the perfect job for me. Speaking of perfect jobs, my plan is sort of vague but I want to nail a job as a writer in some video game magazines. I want to write reviews for video games. If possible, I want to have a second job in the film industry as a sideline. I know it's hard to juggle two jobs but it's possible. The logic is possible. I know I said I'm still uncertain of where to go. This plan of mine is still tentative for I don't know if there are still video game magazines being published here in my place but I'm still looking forward to work as a writer if there is still such magazine.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oh Shit

Last night, a classmate gave me a link. I thought it was just some spam and I was supposed to ignore it. When she told me it was horror, I was interested and curious of course. So I checked it out.

It was a Korean web comic and of course, it's interactive. Yeah. It was about a girl walking to her apartment when she saw a limping woman. And... yeah. Won't spoil anything there.

My friends know me as a horror movie aficionado or in simpler terms, I love horror movies. But this one made me scream. Twice. Fortunately, no one in my house noticed me screaming.

So, if you're bored and you're looking for a bloody good time, you might want to check this one out. :) A warning though. It's not good for the weak of heart. If you're scared, don't click it. If you want to be scared, well, click it. If you want to hit me because you just peed in your pants, I warned you.

Bongcheon-dong Ghost

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

End of an Era

I know it's been almost two weeks or a week since the first semester ended. The second semester is about to start in a few days and I am nervous with after graduation. (I'm not making sense again.) I'm really nervous because we're graduating and I still don't have any frakkin' clue where to get a job. At least, I have these specific fields where I can go and try but there is still uncertainty and I hate it.

Second point is that I'm also nervous with the thesis because the second semester is the time where we all will be making the actual thesis unlike in the first semester where we had to busy ourselves with the thesis proposal. There are so many things to do especially with our thesis and our topic is extremely complicated. A lot of people including our thesis adviser and professors said so. I already broke down because of the pressure. (Yeah. I'm emotional.)

Third, I'm a bit excited with some things like there'll be changes. These changes, I won't explain because... I don't know. I just don't want to explain it here. Don't try to force me.

Fourth, it's kind of sad to start the semester because two of my friends got separated and last semester, I was always with these two crazy people. I actually enjoyed their company.

And finally, I ran out of things to type here. But so far, it's been one hell of a semester and everything's been insane lately. I kind of enjoyed the insanity, doing some things for the first time, and actually exploring. I never expected to be friends with the new people I know now because of this past semester. I also miss my friends who just transferred to another block and it seems to me that they can finally have their freedom with the choice they just made and I'm happy for them.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fruit of My Mistake: Volume 2

This poem is sort of a sequel to the first poem that you just read. Still talking about the same subject. Not going to drop any entities here. I just wrote it two hours ago while going home from the end of a semester. Once again, for those who wants to use my poems, notify me. Thanks.


Your affection, I will burn
Your feelings, I will throw
From the ordeal, I will learn
Learn not to dwell in sorrow

I will close my eyes
I will cast you away
Spare me from the lies
I will walk my own way

Forgive you, I will strive
And time will keep me
Without you, I will survive
Even with the faults in me

Now I will lay to rest
All my tears, I have shed
Before the pain kills my chest
From the scars I have bled

Fruit of My Mistake: Volume 1

This is the first time I'll post a poem here since the blog is starting to rot. Who reads it anyway? It was written two or three weeks ago, I think. One of the fruits of my mistake, I must say. For those who wants to use my poem in some way, ask my permission. Please.


Can you be my last illusion?
Will I be your final dream?
Put an end to this delusion
Before it goes beyond it seems

Running in my mind
Leaving many footprints
No wonder I can’t leave you behind
Though I try to give you a hint

One look at your eyes
That gaze I seek to break
Let my feelings run dry
So you, I won’t forsake

Let me numb myself
To this sentiment of yours
I will not need any help
And shall you not exert any force

It’s better this way
No hearts will ache
No tears and pain will stay
In this step I’m about to take